Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Love letters to the Black & Gold Breakdown

There is nothing like a love letter to brighten my day, make me feel appreciated and important.

I don't know if you get such niceties so, being the kind of guy I am, thought I would share.

Um, profanity deleted.

From John, who actually had the decency to sign his comments with "sincerely" at the end of his letter.

Think he really loves me...a lot, almost as much as he loves coach Dan Hawkins.

"Your a &%$* and your site is a *&%# joke. It is hardly the truth, but just a stupid twisted slant. Your interviews are obvious. They are slanted to people who think like yourself and nothing else. Only people who absolutely praise Hawkins are invited to talk while all others are left out. The radio waves were full of people including some ex buffs whom were critical of him, yet none seem to have made it to your silly website.

Then, of course, you find time to throw vitriol at Ricardo Patton with article after article. Yes he is struggling in his last season trying to get out of the idiotic town of Boulder with a very young team that isn't exactly inspired right now, but he has hardly lost to a lower division team or anything like your champion Hawkins.

Hawkins is a piss poor gameday coach who can't coach his way out of a paper bag. His record vs. BCS opponents is now a staggering 3 and 17. You talk about a guy who's record is filled with cupcake and lower division victories (except at CU where he can't beat one).

Meanwhile, the scorned Patton has the 2nd highest win total in program history and 3 of the program's four 20 win seasons yet is treated like a mule. It's one thing to tear a guy down, but it's a whole nother to go to such extremes.
Your website is so biased that it's sickening. Why are you spending all day trumpeting this *&%# on Netbuffs? Is that the only audience ignorant enough to take it word for word? Why don't you use your media power and publish this in news print? You could actually put it to some use that way. I could roll it up and use it for toilet paper instead of it wasting valuable internet bandwidth."



Now John, you think the media, coaches and players I talk to are nothing more than my mouthpiece, that I feed them lines, a script to parrot back to me, that I know what they think before speaking to them? Think I have the power to make them say what I want?

If only I was such a wizard.

In the end, here's my agenda: I try to access as many smart voices in the media as possible, ask interesting questions and let them go whatever direction they wish with it, giving them verbal creative license to express their opinion as well as deriving facts. I don't stand in the way or direct them in any way. What, you think I'm Martin Scorcese? Honestly, they are too smart for that rookie move and if I even tried, they likely would never speak to me again.

Might share something. There are many disillusioned with Patton's leadership and I have two sources, close to the team, who confide in me that Patton and, at least one assistant, personally attack players, verbally. Not the typical coach screaming and cursing but personal, dehumanizing ugliness. You know, sort of like how you opened your letter.

I also wasn't the first to seek counseling over watching CU teams run a "unique" style of offense while defending poorly compared to the top teams in the Big 12. So please don't kill the messenger, John.

By the way, you can't afford toilet paper? Send me your address and I'll mail some your way for Christmas. My treat.

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