Thursday, August 31, 2006

Pick the Score, get your name in lights

Here's your opportunity to name the score in the weekly Buffs game and answer questions on why you think that way. Write the mailbag at, lay down the score of CU & Montana State and why the score will end up that way.

Go a step further and name which players will be most effective for Colorado.

Come closest to the actual result and you'll get a headline with your name on it, and a victory statement, if you write the mailbag again on Sunday.

How 'bout more?

Share your favorite Buff moment and why and the best will be printed. Just leave a name and the city and state in which you live.

You game for one more?

Want to be spotlighted as a fan?

Share a little about who you are, the city and state you live in, how and why you're a CU fan, your favorite moment, and what's best about being a Buff fan.

Want to send a pic, I'll try to get that on, too. Your choice.
